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Amrit Mahotsav Science Showcase: Roadmap to 2047

Posted on: February 28, 2022 | Back | Print

Every year, 28th February is celebrated as #NationalScienceDay in India. It is celebrated to commemorate discovery of the ‘#RamanEffect’, which led to Sir #CVRaman winning the Noble Prize. On this day in 1928, he discovered a phenomenon of scattering of photons which was later known as ‘Raman Effect’.

The National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC) requested that the Government of India designate 28 February as National Science Day in 1986, which the then-Government of India agreed and designated the day as National Science Day in 1986. On February 28, 1987, the first National Science Day was observed.

National Science Day is celebrated to promote a message about the significance of science in people's daily lives as well as to showcase all actions, efforts, and accomplishments in the field of science for the benefit of humanity.